役立つ日常英会話表現 ♡ レッスン 5






Lesson 5 ★


🔴  Those who keep early hours will live long.



🔵  We were caught in a shower and got wet to the skin.

( 私たちはにわか雨に遭い、すっかりずぶ濡れになってしまった)


🔴  What do you do with your shirts when they are worn out?




🔵  I left the door slightly open for the cat to come in.



🔴  Mother asked father over and over to give up smoking.




🔵   Do you feel any attraction for this book?



🔴  I felt for my smartphone and found that I had a phone call from Mr. Bean.

(私はスマホを手探りで探し、Mr. ビーンから電話があったことに気づいた)


🔵  It is not a good idea to spend all of your time watching TV.




🔴  He jumped off before the bus came to a stop.



🔵  I want to see him again before he starts.




🔴  Whoever comes is welcome.



🔵  Whoever comes, tell him I’m out.



🔴  What is the use of learning this (such things) ?




🔵  What is the use of reading such a book?



🔴  What is the use of memorizing such difficult words?




🔵  I regard him as a fool.



🔴  I regarded the money as gone.



🔵  I couldn’t help laughing.




🔴  “Did you break the plate?”  “Yes, but I couldn’t help it.”



🔵  She was anxious about missing the last train.




🔴  I know something was wrong with the engine the moment I started the car.



🔵  None of these plans ever came anywhere near realization.



 none  =  何一つ〜ない





🔴  Since World War ll, a great deal of change has occurred in many parts of the world.



🔵  A stranger seized me by the hand.



🔴  She hit me in the face.




🔵  He has superior motor skills.



🔴  She has a superior sense of balance.



🔵  I am superior to him in mathematics.




🔴  I can’t stand that nasty attitude of his any longer.



🔵  It is no wonder that he didn’t know.

(彼が知らなかったのも無理はない) (少しも不思議ではない


🔴  No wonder that she got angry.




Good job ☺


★ 【役立つ日常英会話表現 ♡ レッスン6】はこちら