役立つ日常英会話表現 ♡ レッスン18


🔵  How do you feel about this show?



🔴  He practiced baseball without eating lunch.



🔵  You never know.




🔴   (食器洗い)


A  :   You are doing the dishes, thank you.



B  :  You are welcome.



A  :  You don’t have to.



B  :  That’s the least I can do.

=  It’s the least I can do.



 That’s the best I can do.




🔵  How was your day?


Things went better than expected.



🔴  The birds are really getting to me.



   get to 人 = 邪魔をする



🔵  It’s not only that.  Something is going up next door.



🔴  Sometimes I can’t hear myself think (for the noise) !


Me neither.




🔵  How much longer will this go on?


We should be done by tomorrow.




🔴  I’m glad you spoke up.


Me too. It felt good to get it off my chest.




🔵  I’m an indoor person, more or less.



🔴  I’m a dog person, for sure.



🔵  She is so positive.




🔴   (朝型?寒がり?)


A  :  Are you an early bird or a night owl?



B  :  I like to stay up late and sleep late. But I’m not exactly a night owl.



A  :  What time do you get up and go to bed usually?



B  :  Usually, I get up around 7 or 8 and I go to bet around 11.



A   :  Got it. This may some strange.But do you get hot easily or cold easily?



B  :  Thanks for asking. Actually, I get cold easily.But I can adjust.




🔵  You get cold easily, right?



🔴  Actually, I get embarrassed easily.



🔵  What does your mom like?




🔴  What’s your mom like?



🔵  She’s considerate.



🔴  She always makes us laugh.




🔵  She always smiles.

彼女はいつも笑顔でいます (明るい性格です)


🔴  How often do you do laundry?


I do laundry almost everyday or every other day.
