

新型コロナウイルスに起因する肺炎のため2020年4月23日に急死した女優の岡江久美子さん (享年63)は4月3日に発熱し、咳もある状態で自宅療養していたわけですが、6日朝には呼吸困難に。5日には知人に「コロナかもしれない」「でもよくなってきた。部屋にじっとしているね」とかすれた声で話していたそうです。しかしながら翌6日朝になると容態が急変し、緊急搬送されてしまいました。既に意識は混濁しており、人工呼吸器が必要なほどに重症化していたそうです。




Japanese actress and TV host Kumiko Okae died from pneumonia (肺炎) caused by the novel (新型) coronavirus at a Tokyo hospital in April 2020 (She was 63). She developed a fever on April 3 and was rushed to the hospital 3 days later after her condition suddenly worsened. She was immediately hooked up (つなぐ) to a respirator (人工呼吸器) and later tested positive for the virus. 

It is believed that her condition worsened because her immune (免疫) system was weakened by radiation therapy (treatment)  she received from late January to mid-February following surgery for early-stage breast cancer last year. A familiar figure (馴染みの姿) who appeared in TV dramas and variety shows, Okae underwent surgery (手術を受けた) for breast cancer late last year.

She was born in 23 August 1956 (in Tokyo) and debuted as an actress in 1975. In addition to appearing in dramas, she was on entertainment shows such as “Renso Game” and  also hosted  “Hanamaru Market” morning information show from 1996 to 2014. Okae’s husband, actor Baku Owada, 69, and her eldest daughter and actress, Miho Owada, 36, have been staying at home since Okae was hospitalized. Both have not showed symptoms of COVID-19.



“We are very saddened and can’t believe this, it is very frustrating and we can’t think of anything right now.”

“Everyone, the coronavirus is very scary. Please take care.”


She has a wonderful smile and really cheered us up. She was active and had many friends. We can’t forget about you. R.I.P…