第一に、あなたは (日常生活の中でよく使われる) 英文の構造や表現方法、フレーズなどを身につけていかなければなりません。
英語 (外国語) は使いこなせてなんぼです。試験やテストのためだけでなく、効率的に、日常会話に活かせる学び方をしたいものですね!
そこでこの【役立つ日常英会話表現 ♡ 】シリーズでは、簡単な英文を使って、基本的な単語・熟語・フレーズを身につけていただこうと考えています。
※ This is a secret between you and me. (これは君と僕だけの秘密だよ) や My son surprised me by using the computer the way experienced people do. (私の息子は熟練者がするようにコンピューターを使って私を驚かせた) のように、
「使える英文」とその和訳だけを学びたい方はLesson1〜4は飛ばして、 【 役立つ日常英会話表現 ♡ レッスン 5】 以降から学んでいってくださいね!
Lesson 1 ★
以下に紹介する英文を自分なりにアレンジし、あなたが日頃から使うであろう英文に育てていってくださいね ☆
☆ The teacher said, ”So much for today’s lesson.”
”So much for today’s lesson” means “That’s all for today’s lesson. ”
🔵 So much for today’s work.
🔴 So much for small talk.
🔵 So much for his ability.
※ small talk・・・polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions
☆ She bought two dresses. One is green and the other is pink.
🔵 I ate that the other day.
🔴 I saw him the other day.
🔵 Let me have the other one.
☆ Please help yourself to anything you want.
🔵 Please help yourself to more.
🔴 Please feel free to help yourself to the food.
🔵 Help yourself to whatever you please.
☆ Please bring me a cake of soap.
◉ a lump of sugar
◉ a loaf of bread
◉ small piece of cake
☆ Many people say the film is hardly worth seeing.
🔵 It is worth working.
🔴 He is a worthy man.
🔵 It was worth the trouble I took.
☆ Who are you to talk to me like that?
🔵 a person who speaks little
🔴 someone who does nothing
🔵 a person who cares for a child
☆ We stopped and waited for the traffic signal(s) [light(s)] to change.
◉ traffic of people
◉ I’m sorry for being late. Traffic was crazy (busy).
◉ a traffic sign(s)
◉ Traffic accidents happen daily.
◉ Observe carefully the traffic rules.
※ observe・・・notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
☆ I was just leaning forward to switch on the engine.
🔵 the leaning tower of Pisa
🔴 He was leaning against the wall.
🔵 My heart is leaning towards you little by little.
☆ Japan once produced more silk than any other country.
🔵 Quality matters more than quantity.
🔴 She weighs more than I do.
🔵 I can’t do anything more than this.
☆ I think you take the wrong train. This is bound for hell.
🔵 What’s wrong (with it)?
🔴 Something wrong with PC.
🔵 You haven’t done anything wrong.
🔴 You heard me wrong.
★ Conversation ★
A: I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.
B: And he doesn’t like that?
A: No, he doesn’t. He thinks that I am too tired to work.
B: I’m sorry. I have to admit I told him.
A: You told him? Why?
B: I couldn’t help it. He asked me point-blank.
※ upset・・・make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried
※ admit・・・confess to be true or to be the case
※ can’t help it ・・・”I can’t help it” is an idiom which means “it’s beyond my control.”
※ point – blank・・・direct and without explanation or qualification.
Question and Answer by topic ☆
《 Family 》

🔴 How many people are there in your family?
There are 7 people and a cat in my family : my father, mother, two sisters, brohter-in-law, nephew, me and Tama (pet cat).
🔵 Does your family live in a house or an apartment?
We live in a house in the countryside.
🔴 What does your father do?
He is an office worker (works at an office).
🔵 How old is your mother?
🔴 Do you have any siblings ? What’s his/her name?
🔵 Are you the oldest amongst your brothers and sisters?
🔴 What do your mother/father like?
🔵 Do your parents let you stay out late?
🔴 Do you stay with your grandparents?
Right now, no, but I used to.
🔵 Does your family usually have dinner together?
Nice working with you!☺