それでも、学習自体が楽しいですし、その過程において多くの発見があります。自身の成長を実感することだってできます。ところで、一言に「英語」と言ってもいろんな英語がありますよね。American English、British English、Aussie English、Canadian English、Indian English、Japanese Englishなどなど。
実は、世界人口約70億人のうち25%の17.5億人が “英語人口” だと言われています。世界中の4人に1人が実用レベルで英語を使っているわけです。これってすごくないですか?ただし、このうちネイティブのスピーカーはたったの3.9億人ほどなんですけどねー (^ ^)
つまり、裏を返せば、多くのEnglish Speakerたちは完璧じゃないんです!何も気負う必要はないってことです!
今回のテーマは基本単語である “make” と “come” です!
《 Make 》
To make coffee… To make dinner… I’ll make some hot chocolate ♡ I make breakfast and supper almost everyday.
(Supper = a meal just before bed)

《 Come 》
Come and go are different.

We say “Come in!” when someone knocks at the door of a room. Then the person who knocked comes into the room.
Come out is often the opposite of come in.

Don’t make mistakes with make!
Can I say…
◉ I made a mistake in the exercise. 👍
◉ When I get up I make my bed. 👍
◉ I want to make an appointment with the doctor. ( = fix a time to see him / her ) 👍
Yes! You can!
Ok, then
Can I say…
◉ I have to make an exam next week.
◉ I’d like to make a photo of you.
◉ After dinner, I’ll help you make the dishes.
No way!
You can’t!
◉ I have to take /do an exam next week.
◉ I’d like to take a photo of you.
◉ After dinner, I’ll help you do the dishes.

It makes me feel…
☆ Going by train always makes me (feel) tired.
☆ My friend called me stupid. It made me (feel) angry.
☆ That film made me (feel) sad.
Exercises ☆
🔴 Fill the gaps with “make” or “do” .
1. I always _____ a lot of mistakes when I speak English.
2. If I _____ my homework every day, my English will get better.
3. Let’s go to bed now. We can _____ the dishes in the morning.
4. I want to _____ an exam in French. Do you know where I can _____ one?
5. We always try not to _____ a noise after ten o’clock at night.
《 Answer 》
1. make
2. do
3. do
4. do/ take , do/take
5. make
🔴 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. He’s 25 but he never makes his own washing. He takes his dirty clothes to his mother’s.
2. What do you think, yes or no? We must do a decision today.
3. I have to take an appointment with the doctor. Do you have her phone number?
4. I do mistakes when I speak English.
5. Are you making an exam tomorrow?
《 Answer 》
1. He’s 25 but he never does his own washing. He takes his dirty clothes to his mother’s.
2. What do you think, yes or no? We must make a decision today.
3. I have to make an appointment with the doctor. Do you have her phone number?
4. I make mistakes when I speak English.
5. Are you doing/taking an exam tomorrow?
Come back and come home
Come back means “return to this place here”. She went away for 3 days. She came back yesterday. (She is here again.) Come back is often used with from. They came back from Italy last week.
Come home is similar ;
Mother : What time did you come home last night?
Son : Oh, about eleven o’clock.
Mother : What? Eleven! That’s much too late!
Other important uses of come
◉ What country do you come from?
(Where do you come from?)
→ I’m from Norway.
◉ We’re going to a disco tonight. Do you want to come along? ( = come with us )
◉ Come and see me sometime. ( = visit me )
Exercise ☆
🔴 Fill the gaps in the sentences.
1. I put money in, but the ticket didn’t come _____ the machine.
2. The teacher came _____ the classroom and started the lesson.
3. Come and _____ me at five o’clock ; we can talk about it then.
4. The children come _____ school at four o’clock.
5. I’m going to Japan tomorrow. Oh! When are you coming _____? Two weeks from now.
《 Answer 》
1. out of
2. into
3. see
4. out of / back from
5. back home
🔴 Fill the gaps using “come” in the correct form.
1. Have you _____ for your letters? They’re on the table.
2. She _____ back yesterday.
3. He _____ here every Tuesday.
4. _____ you _____ to the school party tonight?
《 Answer 》
1. come
2. came
3. comes
4. Are … coming
🔴 Look up these verbs in a dictionary.
Write the meaning in your vocabulary book. You may find more than one meaning, but just write down one meaning for each verb. After a week, cover the verbs, look at your notes and see if you can remember the verbs.
1. come round
2. come across
3. come up
and “make up” ♡
《 Possible meanings and sentences 》
Ciao! ✋
★【独学で英語マスター ♡ Lesson 8】take と bring の違いがわかる男になろう ☆はこちら