役立つ日常英会話表現 ♡ レッスン8


🔵  It was so embarrassing !



🔴  Stop talking!



🔵 I quit smoking.




🔴   I’m used to getting up early.



🔵  I couldn’t stand it.



🔴  I couldn’t stand the noise.



The children are making a noise.


🔵  I’ve known them since forever.



🔴  What’s your new year’s resolution?



🔵  Will you join us?


I’d love to.




🔴 What brings you here?





🔵  (♪ ピンポーン ♪)

I’ll get it.



🔴  She’s allergic to going out.




🔵  Is your family well?



🔴  You look busy.

(忙しそうですね。)  「見た感じで」


🔵  You seem busy.

(忙しそうですね。)   「雰囲気で」





🔴  I visited to my parents over the weekend.



🔵  I went to my hometown.



🔴  Cigarettes are for over 20 year olds.




🔵 Speaking of hobbies, I’m fond of soccer.



🔴  Speaking of which, you are good at cooking, aren’t you?



🔵  Speaking of which, my older sister will come back home from England tomorrow.




🔴  Speaking of that, I have come to not read recently.


come to〜 = 〜するようになる


🔵  Speaking of that, are you a strong drinker?



🔴  What made me angry was her way of speaking.




🔵  Your dirty way of speaking spread to me.



🔴  He makes a point of never speaking ill of others.



🔵  I got a little bit of confidence in speaking English.




🔴  (ノラ猫との闘い)


A  :  How does  the cat steal a fish?


B  :  It comes out of nowhere.



B  :  It takes an expensive fish and then it disappears. Oh, there it is!



C  :  Where was the cat found?


A  :  Run after it!





🔵  (Why の使い分け)


普通に会話をしていて「なんで…?」と思ったら Why is that? を使いましょう。ただし、相手が否定文を話していたら Why not? です。

Why? だけだとぶっきらぼうな感じがします。


Oh, really? Why?   だとOKです。

ちなみに How come? はちょっと砕けた言い方になります (Why? とWhy not? を使い分ける必要がなく便利な表現でもあります)。




★ 【役立つ日常英会話表現 ♡ レッスン9】はこちら